surance shall have been effected, any inducement or re-
bate from the premium specified in the policy or contract
of insurance, or any special favor or advantage in the
dividends or other benefit to accrue thereon, or any valu-
able consideration or inducement whatsoever not specified
in the policy or contract of insurance, issued or to be
issued. No insurance agent's, broker's or solicitor's license
shall be issued to any insured or any employee of an in-
sured for the purpose of evading the provisions of this
section. Nor shall any corporation, association, partner-
ship, Lloyd's, individual underwriters, or reciprocal asso-
ciations, or any officer, agent, solicitor, or representative
thereof, authorized or permitted to do an insurance busi-
ness in this State as insurer or broker, give or sell to,
nor any insured or his, her or its employee receive, hold,
accept or purchase as an inducement to insurance any of
its stock, bonds or other securities, and no such insured or
his, her or its employee, shall sell to, nor any insurer or
broker or any officer, agent, solicitor, or representative
thereof, receive, hold, accept or purchase as an induce-
ment to insurance, any stock, bonds or other securities of
any such, or any other corporation. Nothing herein con-
tained shall prevent any corporation, association, partner-
ship, Lloyd's individual underwriters, or reciprocal asso-
ciation, lawfully doing an insurance business in this State
as an insurer, from the distribution of surplus and divi-
dends to policy holders after the first year of insurance,
nor prevent any member of an inter-insurance, or Lloyd's
association, or reciprocal association, from receiving the
profit of its underwriting. Nor shall anything herein con-
tained prevent any licensed broker, individual, co-partner-
ship, or corporation, from sharing or dividing commis-
sions earned or received by him, them or it, with any
other insurance broker or brokers, licensed by this State,
who shall have aided in respect to the insurance for the
negotiation of which such commissions shall have been
earned or paid, nor shall it prevent the agent or solicitor
of any company from sharing or dividing commissions
earned or received by him with any other licensed agent,
or solicitor, of the same company in which such business
was written or placed, who shall have aided in respect to
the insurance on which such commissions shall have been
earned or paid.
Nothing contained herein shall be held to prevent the
coverage of risks by temporary binders, or temporary con-
tracts of insurance, or such other memoranda as to not