said voters of said municipality at the next general elec-
tion of the town officers.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and it is hereby added to
Article 17 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland
(1930 Edition), title "Prince George's County, " sub-title
"Hyattsville, " said new section to be known as Section 517A,
and to follow immediately after Section 517 of said Article,
and to read as follows:
517A. That the Mayor and Common Council of Hyatts-
ville shall have authority and are directed forthwith, in the
furtherance of education, to set aside and appropriate, from
such annual tax levy, for public library purposes, a sum
equivalent to not less than five cents nor more than seven
cents upon each one hundred dollars upon the assessed val-
uation of the taxable property within said municipality.
SEC. 2. This Act shall not become effective unless and
until it shall be submitted to the qualified voters living with-
in the limits of the said Town of Hyattsville, as the same
exists at the time of submission, and accepted by a major-
ity of said voters. For such purpose a referendum shall
be held by the Mayor and Common Council at an election to
he fixed by it not later than the first regular election in
May, 1935. Said election shall be conducted under the pro-
visions of existing law for the election of town officers, and
the manner of submission of the question to the voters shall
be that on the ballots at such election there shall be
printed the words "For Town Library and setting aside an
additional five cents on the Hundred and not more than seven
cents for the maintenance and operation thereof" with a
blank square opposite at the right, and the words "Against
Town Library and setting aside an additional five cents on
the hundred and not more than seven cents for the mainte-
nance and operation thereof, " with a blank square opposite
at the right, and all qualified voters desiring to vote for the
provision of this Act shall place a cross mark (X) in the
square opposite the words "For Town Library etc, " and all
qualified voters desiring to vote against the provisions of
this Act shall put a cross mark (X) opposite the words
"Against Town Library etc. " If at such election a greater
number of persons shall vote "For Town Library etc. " than
shall vote "Against Town Library etc. ", then the provisions
of the foregoing sections $ha]l become effective and op-