each of the two houses concurring, that the following sec-
tion be and the same is hereby proposed as an amendment
to Section 21 of Article 4, title "Judiciary Department, "
sub-title "Part III—Circuit Courts" of the Constitution of
this State, and if adopted by the legal and qualified voters
thereof as herein provided, it shall supersede and stand in
the place and stead of Section 21 of said Article 4.
21. For each of the said circuits, excepting the eighth
and the third and the sixth, there shall be a chief judge and
two associate judges, to be styled judges of the Circuit
Court, to be elected or appointed as herein provided, and
for the third circuit and for the sixth circuit, there shall be
a chief judge and three associate judges to be styled judges
of the Circuit Court, to be elected or appointed as herein
provided. And no two of said associate judges, for any of
the said circuits, except the third and sixth circuits shall, at
the time of their election or appointment or during the
term for which they may have been elected or appointed,
reside in the same county. If two or more persons shall
be candidates for associate judge in the same county in
any of the circuits, except the third and sixth circuits, that
one only in said county shall be declared elected who has
the highest number of votes in the circuit. In case any two
candidates for associate judge in any of the circuits, except
the third and sixth circuits, residing in the same county
shall have an equal number of votes greater than any other
candidates for associate judge in the circuit, it shall be
the duty of the Governor to order a new election for one
associate judge; but the person residing in any other county
of the circuit and who has the highest number of votes
shall be declared elected. The said judges shall hold not
less than two terms of the Circuit Court in each of the
counties composing their respective circuits, at such times
as are now or may hereafter be prescribed to which jurors
shall be summoned; and in those counties where only two
such terms are held, two other and intermediate terms, to
which jurors shall not be summoned; they may alter or fix
the times for holding any or all terms, until otherwise
prescribed, and shall adopt rules to the end that all business
not requiring the interposition of the jury shall be, as far
as practicable, disposed of at said intermediate. terms. One
judge in each of the above circuits, including the third and
sixth circuits, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of any business; and the said judges or any of them may
hold special terms of their courts, whenever in their discre-
tion, the business of the several counties renders such terms