96F. A compensation of twenty-five cents shall be paid
per ton to the parties weighing the coal or coke under the
foregoing sections, said sum for weighing to be paid by the
seller, if the coal or coke is deficient in weight, otherwise
to be paid by the purchaser, if said coal is ordered weighed
by the sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or other police
officer, and there be found no deficiency, the cost of weigh-
ing shall be paid by the Commissioners of said County.
96G. The provisions of this sub-division of this Article
shall not apply to the sale of coal or coke by the single
bushel, half-bushel or peck, nor to sales of coal or coke by
manifest weight in car or cargo lots. All penalties provided
for in this sub-division of this Article when recovered shall
be paid to the Commissioners of Caroline County.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1935.
Approved May 17, 1935.
AN ACT to add a new sub-title "Barbering and Beauty Cul-
ture, " and 18 new sections to Article 24 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title
"10th Election District of Worcester County, " for the
purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the
practice, pursuit and conduct of the businesses, profes-
sions and occupations of barbering and beauty culture in
Worcester County, and providing penalties for the viola-
tion of any of the provisions of this Act.
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to amend Section 21 of Article 4, title "Judiciary
Department, " sub-title "Part III—Circuit Courts" of the
Constitution of this State, and to provide for the sub-
mission of said amendment to the qualified voters of this
State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That three-fifths of all the members elected to