time to time, and to redeem said bonds as they become
due and payable.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That whenever the Board of Education of Prince
George's County shall think it advisable to build and equip
any or all of the school houses or the additions to the school
houses or to purchase sites for school buildings at the
hereinafter named locations, it may by resolution request
the County Commissioners of said county to issue bonds of
said county to pay for the same, and if the County Com-
missioners of said county concur in the advisability of issu-
ing such bonds for the purposes indicated in such resolu-
tion, they may by their resolution order that the same shall
be issued as hereinafter provided, but the total amount of
bonds issued hereunder shall not exceed the sum of one
hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars ($165, 000. 00) and
the proceeds shall be spent in accordance with the provi-
sions hereof.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That when the Board
of Education of Prince George's County shall have received
from the County Commissioners their resolution as pro-
vided in Section 1, hereof, and not before, the said Board
of Education of Prince George's County shall be author-
ized to borrow, on endorsement of the County Commis-
sioners of Prince George's County, who are hereby directed
to endorse such bonds on the faith and credit of said
county, the following amounts or any of them or all of them
if the same are named in the original resolution of the said
Board of Education and in the order of the said County
Commissioners passed in pursuance of the above:
Fifty thousand dollars ($50, 000. 00), or so much thereof
as may be necessary for the construction and equipment of,
a school building, or an addition to a school building in or
near the town of Seat Pleasant, including the purchase of
land if necessary.
Fifty-five thousand dollars ($55, 000. 00), or so much
thereof as may be necessary for the construction and equip-
ment of a school building, or an addition to a school building
in or near the sub-division of Maryland Park, including the
purchase of land if necessary.
Ten thousand dollars ($10, 000. 00), or so much thereof as
may be necessary, in addition to funds already in the hands
of the Board of Education, for the construction and equip-
ment of a school building, or addition to a school building,