The said sum being the proceeds of the sale of certain
houses and lots of land in Frederick, Maryland, as set forth
in said Will.
144. To the deed dated April 7, 1934, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore County in Liber C.
W. B. Jr., No. 930, Folio 406 etc., from the Home Building
Association of Ellicott City Incorporated to the Trustees of
Delia Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore County,
State of Maryland.
145. To the bequest of $5000.00 to The Committee of
the Presbyterian Church in the City of Baltimore in the
Will of Nancy Irwin Carey Baily which Will is recorded in
"Wills," Liber E. R. D. No. 174, Folio 237 etc. in the Office
of the Register of Wills for Baltimore City.
146. To the deed from the Trustees of the Presbyterian
Church of the Covenant of the City of Baltimore in con-
nection with the General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church in the United States of America to the Board of
National Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United
States of America, recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore City on September 22, 1934 in Liber S. C. L. No.
5482, Folio 116 etc. conveying property N. E. corner of
Hollins and Stricker Streets, Baltimore City.
147. To the deed from the Trustees of the Presbyterian
Church of the Covenant of the City of Baltimore in con-
nection with the General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church in the United States of America to the Trustees of
the Presbytery of Baltimore, recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore City on September 21, 1934 in Liber S.
C. L. No. 5481. Folio 510 etc. conveying property No. 2204
W. Lexington Street, Baltimore City.
148. To the following bequests and devises, all under
the Will of the late Frank A. Furst, which Will is dated
the 18th day of November, 1932, and recorded among the
"Wills" records of Baltimore City in Liber J. H. B. No.
178, Folio 420:
(a) To St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys of Balti-
more City, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000).
(b) To the Trustees of St. Charles' College, Act of 1829,
Chapter 50, the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).
(c) To St. Anthony's Orphan Asylum (927 North Cen-
tral Avenue), the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000)...