33. To the bequest to the Vestry of Memorial Protestant
Episcopal Church of Baltimore, contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Mary Parkhurst Hayden, deceased, late
of Baltimore City, of record in the Office of the Register of
Wills for said City in Wills Liber J. H. B. No. 179, folio 467.
34. To the following bequest contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Marie Estelle Murphy, deceased, late of
Baltimore County, of record in the Office of the Register of
Wills for said County in Wills Liber J. P. C. No. 30, folio
113, viz:
(a) St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church, Ellicott City,
Md., and to the gifts in remainder contained in said Will
(b) St. Agnes' Catholic School, Woodlawn, Baltimore
County, Maryland.
(c) St. Paul's Catholic School, Ellicott City, Maryland.
35. To the bequest to the Trustees of the Methodist
Episcopal Church of The Fayette Street Station in the City
of Baltimore (called in Will Trustees of the Fayette Street
Methodist Episcopal Church), contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Gertrude S. Howser, deceased, late of Bal-
timore City, of record in the Office of the Register of Wills
for said City in Wills Liber J. H. B. No. 177, folio 479.
36. To the following gifts in remainder contained in the
Deed from John F. Hunter and Kate W. Hunter to Harry
M. Benzinger, Trustee, dated November 15th, 1915, of rec-
ord in the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L.
No. 3012, folio 156, viz:
(a) House of Good Shepherd of the City of Baltimore
(called in Deed House of Good Shepherd).
(b) St. Vincent's Infant Asylum of the City of Baltimore
(called in Deed St. Vincent's Infant Asylum).
(c) St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum of Baltimore
City (called in Deed St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum).
(d) Sisters of Mt. Carmel,
and to the contingent gifts in remainder in said Deed, viz:
(e) St. Elizabeth's Home of Baltimore City (called in
Deed St. Elizabeth's Home).
(f) The Oblate Sisters of Providence of Baltimore City
(called in Deed Oblate Sisters of Providence).
37. To the gift in remainder to The Boys School of St.
Paul's Parish (called in Will St. Paul's School for Boys),
contained in the Last Will and Testament of Ernest M.