(a) The Associated Professors of Loyola College in the
City of Baltimore.
(b) Little Sisters of the Poor of the City of Baltimore,
(c) Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore.
20. To the following bequests contained in the Last Will
and Testament of John Harvey Turner, deceased, late of
Baltimore City, deceased, of record in the Office of the Reg-
ister of Wills for said City in Wills Liber J. H. B. No. 179,
folio 387, viz:
(a) St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Laurel, Md.
(b) Oblate Sisters of Providence.
21. To the bequest to the Vestry of the Church of the
Redeemer, Charles Street Avenue and Melrose Avenue, con-
tained in the Last Will and Testament of Paul H. Miller,
deceased, late of Baltimore City, of record in the Office of
the Register of Wills for said City in Wills Liber J. H. B.
No. 179, folio 526.
22. To the bequest to Grace and St. Peter's Protestant
Episcopal Church of Baltimore City, contained in the Last
Will and Testament of Charlotte D. Sargeant, deceased, late
of Baltimore City, of record in the Office of the Register of
Wills for said City in Wills Liber J. H. B. No. 180, folio 201.
23. To the gift to the Committee of the Presbyterian
Church in the City of Baltimore, generally known as the
First Presbyterian Church, for its Endowment Fund, con-
tained in the Last Will and Testament of Robert A. Fisher,
deceased, late of Harford County, Maryland, of record in
the Office of the Register of Wills for said County in Wills
Liber A. J. G. No. 19, folio 222.
24. To the gifts contained in the Last Will and Testa-
ment of William Kennedy Cromwell, deceased, late of Balti-
more County, of record in the office of the Register of Wills
for said County in Wills Liber J. P. C. No. 29, folio 155, viz:
(a) The Saint Mary's Industrial School for Boys of the
City of Baltimore.
(b) Cathedral Council being in Integral Part of the So-
ciety of Saint Vincent de Paul of the City of Baltimore.
(c) Associated Professors of Loyola College in the City
of Baltimore for the use of St. Ignatius Church.
(d) Michael J. Curley, Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Baltimore, and his successors in the Archepiscopal See for