AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
154B of Article 72 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1929 Supplement), title "Oysters, " sub-title "Oyster
Culture, " as said section was amended by Chapter 77 of
the Acts of the Extraordinary Session of 1933, providing
that certain waters in Worcester County shall not be sub-
ject to lease for a period of two years.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 154B of Article 72 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1929 Supplement), title "Oysters, " sub-
title "Oyster Culture, " as said section was amended by
Chapter 77 of the Acts of the Extraordinary Session of
1933, be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, to read as follows:
154B. The Waters of Worcester County, except those
exempted by Section 125, and such waters as are or may be
designated as clamming grounds, provided for in Section
154BB, are hereby declared to be open for oyster culture,
according to the provisions of this sub-title and as herein
Any resident of Maryland who may desire to plant or
cultivate oysters on said area may apply to the Conserva-
tion Department for a lease, not exceeding fifty acres to
any one person.
At the time of the filing the application the applicant shall
stake out the ground applied for and designate same by four
suitable stakes or markers, one of which shall be placed
on each corner of said lot, and shall plainly mark his name
on the two outer stakes. Said stakes when properly placed
shall designate the lot applied for and give the applicant
prior rights to said ground until the surveyor of the de-
partment shall have an opportunity to survey same in order
to get the proper boundaries. After said ground has been
so surveyed, the stakes or buoys must be kept up as is re-
quired in the case of other leased ground in the State.
Whenever the Conservation Commissioner shall consider
that the Ocean City Inlet is sufficiently advanced to war-
rant the leasing of oyster bottoms, he shall give notice, by
publication in a newspaper of general circulation in Wor-
cester County, that on a day to be named in said notice,
he will receive applications for lease; and no application
shall be acted upon by the Conservation Commissioner un-
til after the giving of said notices as herein provided.