to be known as Sections 87A to 87E, and to follow im-
mediately after Section 87 of said Article, creating a
Commission to be known as the Hall of Records Com-
mission, prescribing its powers and duties, and providing
generally for the collection, custody and preservation of
official records, documents and publications of the State
and of the several political sub-divisions of the State, and
of other historical material or data, and authorizing the
officers who are custodians of such records to deposit
same with the Commission for preservation,.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That five new sections be and they are hereby
added to Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1924 Edition), title "Governor—Executive and Adminis-
trative Department," to be under sub-title "Hall of Records
Commission," said new sections to be known as Sections
87A to 87E, to follow immediately after Section 87 of said
Article, and to read as follows:
87A. There is hereby created a Commission to be
known as the Hall of Records Commission, which shall be
composed of the Governor of Maryland, the State Comp-
troller, the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, the Presi-
dent of the Johns Hopkins University, the President of St.
John's College, the President of the Maryland Historical
Society and the President of the Board of Trustees of the
Peabody Institute of Baltimore. The members of said
Commission shall serve without compensation.
87B. The Commission shall have supervision and con-
trol of the Hall of Records building and shall have author-
ity to equip and furnish the said building and to preserve
and repair the records, documents and. archives placed
under its supervision, the cost of same to be paid for out
of any unexpended balance remaining from the appropria-
tion contained in Chapter 253 of the Acts of 1931 for erect-
ing and equipping said building, or out of any funds which
may hereafter be appropriated for that purpose.
The Commission shall appoint a competent, qualified
person, to be known as Archivist, who shall have charge
of the active management of the building and its contents;
provided that the Commission shall allot and designate a
portion of the building for the use of the Land Office.
The Commission shall employ such assistants, clerks and
other employees as may be necessary for the work of col-
lecting, repairing, indexing, copying, filing and preserving