Council of Berlin shall deliver said bonds so sold to the
purchaser or purchasers thereof, and receive the money
therefor, including any premiums thereon, and shall report
to the Mayor and Council of Berlin his proceedings in the
premises as soon as possible after said sale, with the name
or names of the purchasers to whom said bonds shall have
been sold and delivered, together with the amount received
on each bond so sold, and said money arising from the sale
of said bonds shall be deposited in some Bank or Banks to
be designated by a resolution of said Mayor and Council,
and to be drawn therefrom by checks signed by the Mayor
and countersigned by the Secretary and Treasurer of the
Mayor and Council; said funds to be used only for the
purpose of constructing, extending, repairing and improving
a sanitary sewerage system and sewage treatment plant
for the Town of Berlin and for employing and compensa-
ting a competent engineer or engineers for preparation of
plans, specifications and supervision of the construction of
said system and plant.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That for the pur-
pose of making and installing said sewerage system and
sewage treatment plant, the Mayor and Council of Berlin
is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire any land
or personal property necessary for the said purpose within
or without the corporate limits of the Town of Berlin, and
it may acquire the said property by purchase, if possible to
do so, by agreement with the owners of such property, and
if not possible so to acquire the said property by purchase,
then by condemnation proceedings, as provided by Article
33A of the Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland,
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That for the pur-
pose of redeeming said bonds at their maturity, and for
securing the prompt payment of the interest thereon, the
Mayor and Council of Berlin is hereby authorized and
directed in so far as it may be practicable so to do, to apply
any excess surplus receipts arising from water and light
rents and not needed for the payment of interest on and
the retirement of certain bonds as provided for by Section
38 of Article 24 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland (1930 Edition), for the payment of interest on
or the retirement of the bonds hereby authorized or for
making repairs and replacements to said system or plant
from time to time. The said Mayor and Council shall also
have the power to provide, by ordinance for imposing a
sewer rental or charge for the use of said sewers or for the