allow the Federal gasoline tax to expire at the close of the
present fiscal year, June 30, 1935, in accordance with the
declared intent at the time it was passed; that it be not
levied again in any way whatsoever and that the Federal
Government permanently withdraw from the field of gaso-
line taxation and leave to the states exclusively the power
and right to tax gasoline sales in the future. And, be it
Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted
to the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the
House of Representatives to be laid before the members of
the Committee, and to the Chairman of the Senate Com-
mittee on Finance, to be laid before the members of that
Committee, and, likewise, that the General Assembly of
Maryland transmit present this resolution, to both Sena-
tors and members of the House of Representatives repre-
senting the State of Maryland, urging them to use their
utmost endeavors to carry out our desires as expressed in
the spirit of this resolution and thus afford to all those who
operate motor vehicles or are consumers of gasoline, com-
mercially or privately, the greatly needed relief which they
demand from an excessive burden of discriminatory taxa-
tion due largely to the combined high tax on gasoline in
state and nation.
Approved May 17, 1935.
NO. 8.
A Joint Resolution directing the Governor to proclaim Feb-
ruary 16th of each year for the observance and commem-
oration of the founding of the Republic of Lithuania.
WHEREAS, The 16th day of February, 1918, is the date
on which the Independence of the Republic of Lithuania
was proclaimed and the Republic founded; and
WHEREAS, The United States recognized the government
of the Republic of Lithuania de jure on June 28, 1922; and
WHEREAS, Honorable Antanas Smetona was elected the
first President of the Republic, April 6, 1919, and except
for the period June 7, 1926, to December 19, 1926, has been
the President of the Republic since 1919; and