years, such employee shall be forthwith retired by the sup-
erintendent of the Department of Maryland State Police;
but the superintendent of the Department of Maryland
State Police may in his discretion delay such re-
tirement for such time as he may deem necessary;
and in all retirements under the provisions of this sec-
tion the employee in question shall be paid during the re-
mainder of his natural life a salary or pension, payable
monthly, equal to two percent. (2%) of his annual salary
multiplied by the number of years said applicant has been
an employee of the Department of Maryland State Police
and/or of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, said
annual salary to be taken as of the year immediately pre-
ceding the granting of his application for retirement, pro-
vided, however, that such payment shall not exceed the rate
of one thousand dollars ($1, 000) per year to any one person.
No money payable under this Act shall, prior to issuance
and delivery of the warrant or voucher therefor, be capable
of being assigned, charged or taken in execution or attach-
ment. All Employees subject to the provisions of this Act
shall contribute to the Pension Fund, hereinafter provided
for, a sum to be determined by the superintendent of the
Department of Maryland State Police but not to exceed two
(2) per cent, of their annual salary, said sum to be approx-
imately equal to one-half of the annual cost of this pension
system to the individual employee so contributing. The
amount of the contribution of each of the employees sub-
ject to the provisions of this Act shall be fixed annually in
advance by the superintendent of the Department of Mary-
land State Police and shall be deducted monthly from the
salary checks of the said employees and paid in lieu thereof
to the superintendent of the Department of Maryland State
Police to be placed by him forthwith in the said Pension
31. The superintendent of the Department of Maryland
State Police shall have the power to revoke such retirement
at any time and for any action which he may deem sufficient
subject to the approval of the Governor.
32. All employees eligible for retirement under the pro-
visions of this Act shall be subject to a medical examination
by the regular physician of the Department of Maryland
State Police or by any other physician the superintendent
of said Department may select; and all such employees so
eligible shall furnish such other evidence affecting their
application for retirement as the superintendent of State
Police may require,