tary shall devote his whole time to the duties of the office.
The said Board may appoint such other employees as a
proper performance of its duties may require. In no case
shall the total expenditures of the said Board for admin-
istrative expenses exceed the amount appropriated there-
for in the State budget.
8A. The appointment and removal of all paid person-
nel under this Article shall be governed by the provisions
of Article 64A of the Code of Public General Laws of
Maryland, but in the case of the Department of Public
Welfare of Baltimore City, Sections 203A to 203Q inclu-
sive, of the Baltimore City Charter shall govern. Provided,
however, that the Board of State Aid and Charities may
prescribe the number, salaries and minimum qualifications
of the personnel engaged in the administration of such
activities of the local Boards as are financed in whole or
in part by the State.
8B. On and after June 1st, 1927, all institutions, agen-
cies and societies whether incorporated or not, except those
receiving financial assistance from the State or having con-
tracts with the State, or licensed by any incorporated mu-
nicipality or district authorized to issue such licenses, as
well as all individuals, having the care, custody or control
of one or more minors, other than children related by blood
or marriage to, or adopted by such individuals, or for
whom such individuals are duly appointed guardians, shall
obtain an annual license therefor from the State, to be
issued by the Board of State Aid and Charities, upon due
proof of compliance with rules and regulations designed
to secure the proper care of such minors, which rules and
. regulations the said Board is hereby authorized to estab-
The said Board shall have the same power to investigate
and visit any such institutions, agencies, societies or indi-
viduals as is now provided by law in the case of corpora-
tions, associations, institutions or agencies receiving finan-
cial assistance from the State or having contracts with the
State, and shall have power to revoke the licenses of any
such institutions, agencies, societies or individuals. All
such action of the Board is subject to the same right of
appeal by any party who shall feel aggrieved at any action
of the Board hereunder, as in the case of state-aided insti-
tutions. The provisions of Section 378 of Article 27 shall
not be construed as limiting the powers herein granted to
the said Board.