6. To enable the Board of State Aid and Charities to
discharge properly the duties imposed upon it, the said
Board may of its own motion, or by the direction of the
Governor shall cause charges to be formulated against
any corporation, association, institution or agency engaged
in charitable or social welfare activities, receiving finan-
cial assistance from the State or with which the State has
contracts and cause a copy of such charges to be served
on such corporation, association, institution or agency; and
shall have power to issue summonses for witnesses and
documents, which summonses shall be duly served, as are
other similar writs, by any sheriff to whom the same shall
be directed, and to administer oaths, and take testimony
which it shall cause to be transcribed and included in its
report. The Board may, if in its judgment the facts war-
rant, suspend or revoke any licenses issued to such corpo-
ration, association, institution or agency and may order
the cessation of any future appropriation thereto. And the
said Board shall have further power to visit, in person or
by its Executive Secretary or other employees, any State-
aided institution, organization or agency engaged in welfare
activities, and thoroughly to inspect the management, build-
ings and equipment thereof; but such visits and inspections
Shall be made at reasonably convenient hours and with
reasonable regard to the established discipline, regulations
and customs of the said institution, organization or agency.
7. All monies appropriated to charitable institutions,
organizations or agencies shall be paid to them on a per
capita basis according to rates fixed by the Board, which
shall be impartial, fair and uniform in the case of all in-
stitutions, organizations or agencies caring for persons of
substantially the same class. Provided, however, that the
amount to which any institution, organization or agency
may be entitled on account of services rendered on a per
capita basis in any one year shall not exceed the amount
appropriated to it.
8. The said Board shall appoint a competent person to
act as its Executive Secretary who shall be paid for his
services such compensation as may be provided for in the
State budget upon the recommendation of the Board. The
Executive Secretary shall be a competent person having
adequate training and practical experience in social wel-
fare and relief work; and in making said appointment, the
Board shall be governed by Article 64A of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland. The Executive Secre-