October 1, 1935, of ten per cent of his total delinquent
taxes; The payment on or before October 1, 1936, of fif-
teen per cent of his total delinquent taxes; The payment
on or before October 1, 1937, of twenty per cent of his
total delinquent taxes; the payment on or before October
1, 1938, of twenty-five per cent of his total delinquent
taxes; and the payment on or before October 1, 1939, of
thirty per cent of his total delinquent taxes.
In order to avail himself of the provisions of the amor-
tization plan above outlined, and as a condition prece-
dent to the allowance thereof, each taxpayer shall first
apply to the County Treasurer for the privileges allowed
under the said plan and signify his willingness to adopt
and follow the same by leaving with the County Treas-
urer a paper, signed by the said taxpayer mortgagors or
persons holding judgments or mechanics liens or any other
claim or record in the Office of the Circuit Court for
Anne Arundel County (and in the case ©f a cor-
poration by the president or chief executive officer
thereof) to the following effect, namely: "In consid-
eration of the extension of time granted me under Chap-
ter —— of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
land of 1935, the undersigned hereby agrees to the amor-
tization plan for the payment of delinquent taxes outlined
in said statute, and further agrees to make the payments
in accordance therewith covering all delinquent taxes now
owing by the undersigned, the agreed amount thereof be-
ing $—————. in the event of a taxpayer failing to live
up to his or their Amortization Agreement after the date
above specified, the Treasurer is hereby authorized, directed
and empowered to publish monthly lists of such delin-
quents and after four publications thereof, shall proceed
on the date mentioned in such publication to sell the
property on which said taxes are due. All proceed-
ings heretofore taken by the Treasurer for the
collection of taxes for the six months period from July 1,
1931, to January 1, 1932, for the year 1932, for the year
1933, and for the year 1934, are hereby ratified and con-
firmed regardless of the expiration of the time limits pre-
scribed by Chapter 280 of the Acts of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, 1931, and/or Chapter 306 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland, 1933, and/or any
other laws existing prior hereto, and the Treasurer is
hereby authorized, directed, and empowered to make col-
lection of taxes for the six months period from July 1,
1931, to January 1, 1932, for the year 1932, for the year
1933, and for the year 1934, as herein provided regardless