the colored. youth^ of Kent County, Maryland, and said pro-
ceeds shall be paid out for the purposes mentioned in this
Act under the direction and control of said Board of Edu-
cation, and upon the written order of a majority of said
Board of Education.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That Mrs. George
R. Jones, E. A. Scott, Harry Bolton, T. C. Cruikshank, E.
Thomas Massey and Louis G. Robinson be and they are
hereby created and constituted the Galena Public High
School Commission for the purpose of carrying into ef-
fect the provisions of this Act relating to the selection and
purchase of additional land (if any is necessary), and the
building and equipping of said combination auditorium-
gymnasium on the grounds of the Galena high school, with
all power and discretion herein mentioned.
SEC. 9. Be it further enacted, That Mrs. George Bald-
win, Mrs. G. Bates Chaires, Thomas W. Eliason, Fred G.
Usilton, T. H. M. Bramble, Walter B. Harris, E. Linwood
Eedmile, Marion deK. Smith and Louis C. Robinson be
and they are hereby created and constituted the Chester-
town Public High School Commission for the purpose of
carrying into effect the provisions of this Act relating to
the purchase of additional ground (if any is necessary),
and the remodeling, renovating, enlarging and equipping
of said public high school building at Chestertown, Mary-
land, or in erecting and equipping a new public high school
building for white youth at or near Chestertown, Maryland,
with all the power and discretion herein mentioned.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That G. Ellsworth
Leary, Herbert Urie, T. Jewell Thompson, B. Trew Burd-
ing and Louis C. Robinson be and they are hereby created
and constituted the Rock Hall Public High School Com-
mission for the purpose of carrying into effect the pro-
visions of this Act relating to the selection and purchase
of additional land (if any is necessary), and the building
and equipping of a combination auditorium-gymnasium on
the grounds of the high school building at Rock Hall,
Maryland, with all the power and discretion herein men-
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That the Board of
Education of Kent County, Maryland, be and they are
hereby created and constituted a Commission for the pur-
pose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act re-