Commission exclusively in the purchase of additional land
(if any shall be necessary) and in the building and equip-
ping of a combination auditorium-gymnasium on the
grounds of the Galena public school; and said proceeds shall
be paid out for the purposes mentioned in this Act under
the direction and control of said Commission, and upon the
written order of a majority of said Commission.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds of
the sale of one hundred thousand dollars' worth (par value)
of said bonds shall be paid over to the Commission herein-
after to be named, and to be known as the Chestertown
Public High School Commission, to be used and applied
by said Commission exclusively in the purchase of addi-
tional land as said Commission may deem necessary (if
any shall be necessary), and in the remodeling, renovating,
enlarging and equipping of the present high school build-
ing located on Washington Avenue, Chestertown, Mary-
land, or in erecting and equipping a new high school build-
ing for white youth at or near Chestertown and said pro-
ceeds shall be paid out for the purposes mentioned in this
Act under the direction and control of said Commission, and
upon the written order of a majority of said Commission.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds of
the sale of twenty thousands dollars (par value) of said
bonds shall be paid over to the Commission hereinafter to
be named, and to be known as the Rock Hall Public High
School Commission, to be used and applied by said Com-
mission exclusively in the purchase of additional land as
said Commission may deem necessary (if any shall be nec-
essary), and in building and equipping a combination audi-
torium-gymnasium on the grounds of the present public
high school at Rock Hall, Maryland, and said proceeds shall
be paid out for the purposes mentioned in this Act under
the direction and control of said Commission, and upon the
written order of a majority of said Commission.
SEC. 7. And be it further ^enacted, That the proceeds
of the sale of thirty thousand dollars (par value) of said
bonds shall be paid over to the Board of Education of Kent
County, Maryland, to be used and applied by said Board
of Education exclusively in the purchase of a suitable site
of such quantity of land as said Board of Education may
deem necessary (if any shall be necessary), and in the
building and equipping of a public school building in or
near Chestertown for use as a high school building for