provided the estate of the decedent be solvent; second,
his allowance for costs and extraordinary expenses
(not personal) which the Court may think proper
to allow, laid out in the recovery or security of any part
of the estate, costs to include commissions, which shall be
at the discretion of the Court not under two per cent nor
exceeding ten per cent on the first Twenty Thousand Dol-
lars ($20, 000) of the estate, and on the balance of the estate
not more than two per cent; third, the widow's allowance as
in this article directed to be paid; fourth, all taxes due by
his decedent; fifth, charges for medical attendance, includ-
ing nursing attendance in last illness, to be allowed at the
discretion of the Court according to the conditions and cir-
cumstances of the deceased, not to exceed One Hundred
Dollars ($100. 00), not more than Fifty Dollars ($50. 00) of
which shall be paid to the physician or physicians furnish-
ing said medical attendance and not more than Fifty Dol-
lars ($50. 00) of which shall be paid to the nurse or nurses
furnishing said nursing attendance; sixth, the allowance
f or things lost or which have perished without the party's
fault, which allowance shall be according to the appraise-
ment; seventh, debts of the deceased proved or passed in
the following order, (a) claims for rent in arrears against
deceased persons, for which a distress might be levied by
law, but not for a period of more than three months; (b)
and all the money due and owing by the deceased for wages,
salaries or commissions to clerks, servants, salesmen or
employees contracted not more than three months -prior
to decedent's death, judgments and decrees, (c) all other
just claims. If there be not sufficient to discharge all such
judgments and decrees, a proportionate dividend shall be
made between the judgment and decree creditors.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1935.
Approved May 17, 1935.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
44 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1924 Edition), title "Elections, " sub-title "Intermediate
Registration, " exempting Montgomery County from the
provisions of said section requiring the posting of names
registered or erased in each precinct.