AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections
57, 58, 59 and 60 of Article 65 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1924 Edition and 1929 Supplement), title
"Militia, " sub-title "Veterans' Relief Fund, " relating to
the Maryland Veterans' Commission, its powers and
duties and the Veterans' Relief Fund.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 57, 58, 59 and 60 of Article 65 of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924 Edition and 1929
Supplement), title "Militia, " sub-title "Veterans' Relief
Fund, " be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, to read as follows:
57. A Veterans' Relief Fund of not less than $50, 000 of
which amount riot more than $20, 000 may be expended for
administrative purposes, including salaries, for the purpose
of providing the necessities of life for such Maryland veter-
ans of the World War or of any other war, or the widows
and infant children of such veterans as are sick, disabled or
indigent, and who are without means to pay for said necessi-
ties or for proper care, and for the purpose of providing the
necessary funeral expenses of such veterans, and for the
further purpose of providing reasonable compensation to
members of the Maryland National Guard who are injured
in line of duty, and in case any such members are killed
in line of duty, then to the widows and infant children
of such members. Such "Veterans' Relief Fund" shall be
distributed to such persons of the above classes and in such
amounts as the Commission provided for in Section 58 in
this Article shall deem proper. The provisions of this sub-
title shall cover the death of any member of the Maryland
National Guard killed in line of duty subsequent to July 2,
1921, and the child of any such deceased member.
The Governor shall appoint a Commission known as the
"Maryland Veterans Commission, " to be composed of either
the Adjutant General or Assistant Adjutant General, or a
Maryland veteran, as Chairman, in the discretion of the
Governor, and four other members, representative of the
four major national veterans' organizations. The members
of the Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the
The members of the Commission as thus constituted shall
serve without pay; except that the Chairman may be paid
a salary, to be fixed by the Governor, out of the appropria-