In the town of University Park; and any person desiring
to run for Councilman from his ward shall file a petition
with said Board of Election Supervisors containing the
names of at least 10 voters in his ward at least fifteen
days, including Sundays and legal holidays, prior to elec-
tion. When said petitions have been filed and the time for
their filing having expired, the Board of Election Super-
visors shall cause to be published in some manner as shall
give general publicity, the names of the petitioners and the
position to which they aspire.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor
with the approval of the majority of the Common Council
shall appoint a Clerk to hold office for one year or until his
successor is appointed and qualified. That the Council
shall fix the compensation and prescribe his duties except
as herein provided. The Clerk shall keep the minutes of
the proceedings of the Mayor and Common Council in a
well-bound book to be provided by the Mayor and Common
Council, which shall b£ open to inspection to all persons
interested therein at all reasonable hours. He shall receive
the taxes and other monies due the town and deliver the
same to the Treasurer, keeping a record of each item in a
well-bound book to be furnished by the Mayor and Common
Council. The Treasurer shall keep all monies belonging to
the town in a bank or banks to be designated by the Mayor
and Common Council in the name of "Treasurer of Uni-
versity Park, By................................................................... Treasurer, " and
disburse the same only in accordance with the ordinances
and orders of the Mayor and Common Council. The Clerk
and Treasurer shall each give bond to the Mayor and Com-
mon Council in such penalties and with such sureties as
the Mayor and Common Council may require.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Common Council shall have full power to pass such ordi-
nances as they may deem necessary to preserve the public
order, health, safety, morals and general welfare of the
town. To give full force and effect to the powers and
authority conferred on the Mayor and Common Council
they may enforce such ordinances by reasonable fines and
penalties not exceeding $25. 00 in any one case, as may
appear to them right, and they may recover said fine or
penalty by action of debt, and in addition thereto the of-
fender may be imprisoned until the fine be paid, not ex-
ceeding thirty days, imprisonment to be in the town lock-