Senate Bill No. 6—By Senator Goldstein:
A Bill entitled "An Act to authorize and empower the County
Commissioners of Calvert County to borrow upon the faith and
credit of said County the sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars
($300,000) at a rate of interest not to exceed three per cent. (3%)
per annum, and to issue notes and/or bonds therefor, for the pur-
pose of erecting a new consolidated elementary school for the
North Beach-Chesapeake Beach-Randall Cliff area in the Third
Election District of Calvert County, altering and remodeling the
Fairview Consolidated Elementary School in said Election District,
and expanding the facilities and buildings at Brooks High School
in Prince Frederick."
Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on
Ways and Means.
Senate Bill No. 7—By the President:
A Bill entitled "An Act to exempt from all State, County and
Municipal taxation the loans and every part thereof, and the interest
payable thereon, authorized to be created under Chapter 502 of the
Acts of 1949, and Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1949, Extraordinary
Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on
Ways and Means.
At 4:30 o'clock P. M., on motion of Mr. Pumphrey, the House
took a recess until 4:50 o'clock P. M.
At 4:50 o'clock P. M. the House resumed its session.
Present at roll call were the following members:
Speaker, Guyther, Mattingly, Harris, Jester, Lankford, Lowman, McNulty,
Moss, Wigley, Tyler. Hall, Hance, Cooksey, Winkler, Beckwith, Boone,
Ensor, Rockenbaugh, Warren, Wenig, Chaires, Lowe, Nelson, Hoffman,
Todd, Ward, Brinsfield, Horner, Malkus, Webb, Benson, Jackson, Scar-
borough, Burch, MeGrath, McLeish, Pumphrey, Steward, Wilkinson, Baker,
Walls, Dennis, Richardson, Shockley, Alexander, Derr, Hauver, Payne,
Ramsburg, Virts, Baldwin, De Ran, James, McLean, Banning, McDaniel,
Bertorelli, Duffy, Kosakowski, Milanicz, Mrozinski, Silk, Behounek, McKewen,
Murphy, Schueler, Valis, Weintraub, Albers, Burlington, Dempsey, Dippel,
O'Malley, Tawney, Melnicove, Pollack, Robinson, Shapiro, Siegel, Sklar,
Argabright, Bandiere, Geraghty, Kennedy, Luber, Preston, Baynes, Curry,
Davis, Griffin, Meyer, W. W., Thommen, Ankeney, Bloom, Downey, Hicks,
Huyett, Newcomer, Clark, Hyde, King, Lofstrand, Reeves, Rush, Cook, Fey,
Geppert, Reed, See, Whitworth, Barnes, Hann, Six, Smith, Carr, Messick,
Nock, Potts, White, Coddington, McIntire, Myers, J. C. Total—123