(8) An appeal may be taken to the Court of Appeals of
Maryland from any decision of said court of record reviewing
the decision of the Board of Appeals.
64. Enforcement and Remedies. Every political subdivi-
sion, by appropriate action of its legislative body, may provide
for the enforcement of the provisions of this sub-title and of
any ordinance or other legislation or rule or regulation passed
or made thereunder. A violation of the provisions of this sub-
title or of any such ordinance or other legislation, rule or
regulation is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor and such
local legislative body may provide for the punishment thereof
by fine or imprisonment, or both. In addition to all other
remedies, every political subdivision, or the proper agency
thereof, may institute or cause to be instituted at any time any
and all legal, equitable or criminal actions or proceedings of
every kind or character which may be necessary or proper to
enforce the provisions of this sub-title and any and all ordi-
nances or other legislation or rules or regulations passed or
adopted pursuant to the power and authority granted by the
provisions of this sub-title.
65. Acquisition of Air Rights. In any case in which: (a)
a non-conforming use, structure or tree is an airport hazard
and it is necessary or desirable to remove, lower or otherwise
terminate it; or (b) the aerial approaches to an airport cannot
be made safe or maintained in that condition by airport zoning
regulations adopted under this sub-title because of constitu-
tional limitations; or (c) it is advantageous to make aerial
approaches to an airport safe and maintain them in that con-
dition by the acquisition of property rights or interests rather
than by airport zoning regulations; or (d) any zoning regula-
tion or any order, requirement, decision or determination
issued or made by an authority having the power to do so
interferes with the use or enjoyment of private property, or
otherwise infringes upon private property rights to such an
extent that it would be a taking of private property without
just compensation under the provisions of the Constitution of
the United States or the Constitution of Maryland, the polit-
ical subdivision owning, controlling or operating the particular
airport affected may acquire by purchase, grant, lease, or con-
demnation in the manner set forth in Article 33A of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), or in the manner
provided by law under which such political subdivision may
be empowered to acquire property for public purposes, other
than street purposes, such as air right, easement or other right,
title or interest in property as may be necessary or proper to