ments are due, and provided further, that if any employee's
regular annual salary, plus the One Hundred and Eighty
Dollars ($180) herein provided for, would amount to more
than Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000), then he shall receive
only that portion of One Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($180)
which, when added to his regular annual salary, gives him
a total annual compensation of Three Thousand Dollars
($3,000). In estimating the regular annual salary of any State
employee covered by this Act, the payments made to any such
employee under the provisions of Chapter 739 of the Acts of
1943 of the General Assembly of Maryland shall not be in-
cluded. For the purposes of this Act, the teachers and em-
ployees in the State Teachers' Colleges, State Training Schools
for Delinquent Children, as denned in Chapter 797 of the
Acts of 1943, the Maryland School for the Deaf and the Rose-
wood State Training School shall be considered State em-
ployees and such teachers and employees shall not be included
within the scope of the words "every teacher (including super-
visors, principals and attendance officers) employed in the
public school system of this State", as used in Chapter 3 of
the Acts of the Special Session of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1944 (Senate Bill No. 3), nor shall such teachers
and employees be covered by the provisions of said Chapter.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any employee
covered by the provisions of this Act has not been employed
for at least one year prior to July 1, 1944, he shall only receive
one-twelfth of said payment of One Hundred and Eighty
Dollars ($180) for each month of his employment immediately
prior to July 1, 1944.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That regular employees
of the State Eoads Commission, who are paid on a daily or
hourly basis and who have been regularly employed by the
State Eoads Commission for the one year immediately pre-
ceding July 1, 1944, and expressly including State Eoads
Commission employees engaged in work on the maintenance of
county roads under the supervision of the said Commission,
shall be considered State employees for the purposes of this
Act. The regular employees of the Baltimore City Department
of Welfare whose salaries are fixed by the State Department
of Welfare and 80% of whose salaries are paid by the State
shall be considered State employees for the purposes of this
SEC. 4. A.nd be it further enacted, That employees of the
Unemployment Compensation Board, who receive no com-
pensation from State funds other than that derived from