said Dispensaries, authorizing the refund of unused licenses,
repealing all Public General and Public Local Laws which
are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act and pro-
viding that the provisions of Sub-Section (A) of Section 6
of Article 2B shall not apply to Kent County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 77A of Article 2B of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1943 Supplement), title "Alcoholic Beverages",
sub-title "County Dispensaries", be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
77A. (1) The County Commissioners for Kent County do
hereby constitute without any additional compensation for
their services, the Liquor Control Board for Kent County,
Maryland, and as such shall have full power and authority to
establish, operate and maintain, in Chestertown, Eock Hall,
Betterton and Galena and at such other places in said Kent
County as said Liquor Control Board deems desirable and
proper, stores to be known as Kent County Liquor Dispensaries,
for the sale of any alcoholic beverage, except beer, in sealed
packages or containers, which packages or containers shall
not be opened nor their contents consumed on the premises
where sold. The said Liquor Control Board shall have the
power to establish such branch dispensaries in Kent County
as it deems desirable and proper.
The Attorney for the County Commissioners for Kent County
shall also be the Attorney for said Liquor Control Board for
Kent County and shall receive as compensation for his services
the sum of two hundred and fifty ($250.00) dollars per annum
in addition to the salary that he receives as Attorney for the
County Commissioners for Kent County.
(2) For the purpose of establishing and operating such
dispensaries and/or branch dispensaries the Board of County
Commissioners of Kent County are hereby authorized and
directed to advance, from time to time, to the Liquor Control
Board, such sum or sums of money not exceeding Twenty Thou-
sand ($20,000.00) Dollars, as may be necessary to provide
adequate working capital for the said Liquor Control Board,
and the said Board of County Commissioners is hereby author-
ized and empowered to borrow, upon the credit of said County,
such sum or sums of money as may be necessary to meet such
advances, and the said Liquor Control Board shall also be
authorized, from time to time, to borrow upon the credit of
said Liquor Control Board from any banking institution in
Kent County, provided, however, that the aggregate sum ad-