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Session Laws, 1944 (Special Session)
Volume 573, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 307 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Elections", sub-title "Voting
by Mail", be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, so as to read as follows:

307. At any time before the holding of any election, any
such person who expects to be absent on election day may
make application in writing to the Board of Supervisors of
Elections of the County or Baltimore City, in which he re-
sides, for a ballot. Such application must be received by the
Supervisors of Elections not less than seven days before the
holding of any election and shall contain the full name and
place of residence, by street and number, if possible, from
which the applicant is registered, and the address to which
the ballot is to be mailed to him. The application may also
state the position or rank in the military or naval service
which the applicant holds. Upon receipt of such application
it shall be the duty of the respective Boards of Supervisors of
Elections to enter the fact that such application has been made,
together with any other proper information, in a book to be
kept especially for that purpose. The Supervisors of Elections
shall verify from the registration and other books and records
in their custody, and from any other information obtainable,
the statements contained in the application and the appli-
cant's qualifications to vote under this sub-title. The Super-
visors shall mail ballots to those found so qualified to vote
and shall enter that fact in the special book hereinbefore pro-
vided for.

Each application received on or before April 24, 1944, by
the Boards of Supervisors of Elections for a ballot shall be
treated and considered as an application for an Absentee Bal-
lot to be voted at the Primary Election of May 1, 1944, and
also as an application for an Absentee Ballot for the General
Election of November 7, 1944, unless it specifically states that
it is an application for a primary ballot and the respective
Boards of Supervisors of Elections shall retain all applica-
tions not specifying the Primary Election until ballots for the
election of November 7, 1944, have been printed and immedi-
ately thereafter they shall mail a ballot in response to each
such application, provided the applicant is otherwise qualified
to receive such ballot under the provisions of Chapter 1 of
the Acts of the Special Session of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1944 (Senate Bill No. 1—House Bill No. 1). All
such applications in the hands of the respective Boards of
Supervisors of Elections on June 1,1944, shall be subject to and


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Session Laws, 1944 (Special Session)
Volume 573, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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