not render to any person such accounts or tax bills by reason
of non-residence, absence or otherwise, he shall publish such
accounts or tax bills in one or more newspapers published in
Charles County, at the expense of the taxpayers, and post the
same in some conspicuous place in said town; and unless such
accounts or tax bills be paid within thirty clays after the de-
livery to the taxpayers or the publication and posting thereof,
as hereinbefore provided, the bailiff may enforce the payment
of same in the manner and with like effect as the collector of
State and county taxes for Charles County now enforces the
payment of State and county taxes.
SEC. 20. And be it further enacted, That in event of the
sale of any real estate under the provisions of the preced-
ing sections the president of the Town Commissioners of Cobb
Island shall execute and deliver a deed of the same to the
purchaser, and the deed shall convey to the purchaser the
property therein described, and shall be presumptive evidence
that all requirements of law have been complied with in mak-
ing; such sale and deed.
SEC. 21. And be it further enacted, That the bailiff shall
make all collections required of him and shall pay the same
as well as all other money received by him for the Town Com-
missioners, promptly to the Clerk, who shall hold all such
collections and money subject to the order of said Town Com-
SEC. 22. And be it further enacted, That the bailiff shall
be entitled to and shall receive the same fees for making dis-
tress or levy for taxes as are allowed County Collectors, and
for making arrests or serving process for violation of any law
or any ordinance of the Town Commissioners, he shall receive-
the same fees as are allowed constables for similar services;
and should the bailiff wilfully fail to discharge any of the
duties of his office he may, in addition to the remedy on his
bond, be fined by the Town Commissioners in their discretion,
not exceeding ten dollars for any one offense, for the payment
of which fine his bond shall be liable and responsible.
SEC. 23. And be it further enacted, That the president
shall preside, at all meetings of the Town Commissioners and
he shall have all the power of a Justice of the Peace for
the collecting and recovering of fines and penalties and the