Fish, " granting certain discretionary powers to the Con-
servation Commissioner in regard to the erection of fish
ladders upon dams.
(Vetoed. }
AN ACT to authorize and empower the Commissioners of St.
Michaels, when approved by a majority of the registered vo-
ters of the town of St. Michaels at a special election called
for that purpose, to sell the Municipal Electric Light and
Power Plant, consisting of dynamos, exciters, boilers, engines,
transformers, meters, poles, pole and transmission lines and
ail machinery and equipment belonging to said electric plant;
to (provide for submitting the question of such sale to the
qualified voters of said town; and to prescribe the method of
such sale and the use and distribution of the proceeds thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Commissioners of St. Michaels, a municipal cor-
poration, when approved by a majority of the registered voters
of the town of St. Michaels, as hereinafter provided, be and
it is hereby authorized and empowered to sell the Municipal
Electric Light and Power Plant, consisting of dynamos, exciters,
boilers, engines, transformers, meters, poles, pole and trans-
mission lines, and all machinery and equipment belonging to
said electric plant.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said The Com-
missioners of St. Michaels shall submit the question of selling
said Municipal Electric Light and Power Plant to the qualified
voters of said town at a special election to be called by said
Commissioners at a time and place to be designated by them;
and notice of said election shall be given by publication in
some newspaper printed and published in Talbot County at least
three weeks before said election. The ballots for said election
shall be prepared by the Commissioners of St. Michaels and shall
have printed thereon the words "For Sale of Plant, " with a
blank square opposite the right of said words:, and immediately
thereunder shall be the following words: "Against Sale of
Plant, " with a blank square opposite the right of said words.
The voter shall indicate his choice by marking a cross (X) in
one of said blank squares. The Commissioners of St. Michaels
shall appoint the necessary officers to conduct the election.