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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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If the number of votes cast in said election "For Sale of
Plant, " shall equal a majority of the total number of registered
voters of said town then this Act shall be of full force 'and
effect, but if less than a majority in number of the total regis-
tered vote shall be cast "For Sale of Plant" then this Act shall
be void and of no effect and the said The Commissioners of
St. Michaels shall not sell said Plant.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That, upon the approval
of the sale of said Municipal Electric Light and Power Plant
by the voters of St. Michaels as hereinabove provided, The
Commissioners of St. Michaels are authorized to advertise for
bids for the purchase of said Plant, said advertisement to be
inserted for such length of time and in such newspaper or news-
papers as "the Commissioners of St. Michaels may deem best. "
Bids therefor shall be opened at such time and place as may be
fixed and advertised by said Commissioners. All bids or offers
received for said Plant shall foe considered by the Commissioners
of St. Michaels in conjunction with the Electric Plant Sale
Committee, as hereinafter provided, and with the approval of
said Committee a satisfactory bid may foe accepted and said
Plant sold at such price and upon such terms as the Commis-
sioners of St. Michaels and said Electric Plant Sale Committee
may approve. Any and all bids not deemed satisfactory by said
Commissioners and Committee may foe rejected, and the Commis-
sioners of St. Michaels are hereby authorized to re-advertise
for bids in their discretion.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That Edward R. Buck,
Norman M. Shannahan, Wm. G. Mills, Robert L. Seth and Robert
W. Dryden, citizens; and tax payers of the town of St. Michaels,
are hereby appointed as a Committee to foe known as "Electric
Plant Sale Committee, " which Committee shall act in conjunc-
tion with the Commissioners of St. Michaels; in making a sale of
the Municipal Electric Light and Power Plant of St. Michaels,
and in effecting a satisfactory arrangement with some respon-
sible Trust Company for the investment and handling of the
proceeds of sale of said Plant as hereinafter provided. Any
vacancy in the membership of said Committee because of death,
resignation or any other cause, shall be filled by appointment
of the Commissioners of St. Michaels; by Resolution duly passed
by said Commissioners and entered upon its minute book.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That when the sale of
the Municipal Electric Light and Power Plant of St. Michaels
shall be made under the provisions of this Act the proceeds
arising from said sale shall be used in the following order and


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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