sex and place of birth of each child, whether or not such child
is physically handicapped, the school attended, or if not at
school, his employment or that he is not employed, and the
place of birth of each parent of said child, and the full and com-
plete records of said census shall be furnished by said Police
Commissioner to the Board of School Commissioners of Balti-
more City and to the State Board of Education on or before
the tenth day of December in each and every year. Whosoever
has under his control a child between said ages and withholds
the information in his possession from any officer demanding
it relating to the items aforesaid, or makes any false statement
in regard to the same, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and be fined not more than twenty dollars.
235. The principal teacher of every public school in the
counties and the truant officers of the City of Baltimore shall,
within thirty days from the beginning of the school year
succeeding March 31, 1906, furnish the Board of County
School Commissioners or the Board of Education of Balti-
more City, as the case may be, with the names of all children
who are deaf, blind or feeble-minded, between the ages of
six and eighteen years, inclusive, living within the bound-
aries of his or her school district who do not attend school.
And the Board of County School Commissioners or Board
of Education of Baltimore City shall certify forthwith the
names of all such deaf, blind, or feeble-minded children to
the respective principals of the State Schools for such chil-
dren. Such principal teachers and truant officers shall at
the same time furnish to such Boards the names and addresses
of all physically handicapped children between the ages of
six and eighteen years, inclusive, living within the boundaries
of his or her school district who do not attend school, and
also a list of all such physically handicapped children who
do attend school, and such Boards upon receipt of such in-
formation shall immediately report the same to the State
Board of Education and to the State Board of Health.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That three new sec-
tions be and hereby are added to said Article 77 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland, 1924 Edition, title "Public Edu-
cation" to follow immediately after Section 235 of said Ar-
ticle, to be known as Sections 235A, 235B and 235C, and
to read as follows: