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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 435   View pdf image (33K)
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235A. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Health,
upon receipt of information as to physically handicapped
children, as provided for in Section 235 hereof, to imme-
diately cause each such child to be examined and to be ap-
propriately classified according to the nature and degree of
his or her handicap. The State Board of Health shall at
the same time designate which such children are physically
unable to properly care for themselves without assistance
and to properly or advantageously be educated in the regular
public schools with normal children and shall recommend
which such children ought to have clinical, therapeutic, or
hospital treatment. When such classifications and recom-
mendations shall have been made, the State Board of Health
shall report the same to the respective school boards from
which the names of such handicapped children were received,
and also to the State Board of Education.

235B. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Edu-
cation to prescribe the equipment and, curriculum of the
special schools and classes which may be established for phys-
ically handicapped children in each of the counties of the
State. It shall also be the duty of such Board, whenever it
receives from the State Board of Health classified lists of
physically handicapped children as set forth in the next pre-
ceding paragraph, to classify such children according to their
several needs with reference to the available school facilities
existing in the city or county where they respectively reside.
Wherever the City of Baltimore or any of the counties of
the State shall provide special schools or classes for such
physically handicapped children in accordance with the re-
quirements, rules and regulations to be prescribed by the
State Board of Education the city or counties so providing
the same shall be entitled to receive from the State of Mary-
land, toward the cost of the special equipment, teachers, and
attendants in such special schools and classes, the sum of
$2, 000. 00 for each such class; provided, however, that each
such class shall be composed of not less than ten physically
handicapped children and as many more than ten as the said
Board may direct. The said Board shall ascertain the re-
spective amounts the City of Baltimore and the counties
shall be so entitled to receive from the State under this
section, and when so ascertained shall certify the same to
the State Comptroller, and such city or counties so receiv-
ing such financial aid from the State shall cause to be kept


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 435   View pdf image (33K)
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