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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 433   View pdf image (33K)
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which shall show the names and addresses of all such children
who are physically handicapped, said census to be taken first in
the year 1922 and every two years thereafter. The State Su-
perintendent of Schools may cause the whole or any part of
the school census of the City of Baltimore, or of any county,
to be retaken at any time, if in his judgment the whole or any
part of such census has not been properly or correctly taken.
Whenever the State Board of Education shall receive the school
census from the County Boards of Education and the Police
Commissioner of Baltimore City, the State Superintendent of
Schools shall cause to be prepared a list of all physically handi-
capped children shown therein with their names and addresses,
and shall furnish a copy thereof to the State Board of Health.

55. The County Board of Education shall, subject to the
direction of the State Superintendent of Schools and to the
rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, cause
to be taken, under the direction of the County Superinten-
dent, a biennial school census of the children of the county
between the ages of six and eighteen years, inclusive, which
shall show the names and addresses of all such children who
are physically handicapped, said census to be taken first in the
year 1922, and every two years thereafter. The County
Superintendent shall cause, upon the direction at any time
of the State Superintendent of Schools, the whole or any part
of the school census of his county to be retaken. A com-
plete record of each such census when so taken shall be prompt-
ly furnished by the County Board of Education to the State
Board of Education. Whosoever has under his control a
child between said ages and withholds the information in his
possession from any officer demanding it, relating to the items
aforesaid, or makes any false statement in regard to the same,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined not more
than $20. 00.

227. It shall be the duty of the Police Commissioner of
Baltimore City, between the tenth and thirtieth day of No-
vember in each year, to cause a census, as nearly as possible
accurate, to be made by members of the force under his com-
mand, of every child from five to eighteen years of age, in-
clusive, resident in said city. The Police Commissioner shall,
for the purpose of taking said census divide the city into such
posts, districts, or other sub-divisions as he shall determine.
The said census shall give the full name, address, age, color,


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 433   View pdf image (33K)
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