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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 432   View pdf image (33K)
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WHEREAS, Many of these physically handicapped children
need and require special school facilities, clinical aid, thera-
peutic treatment, and vocational training to fit and equip them
to become self sustaining and productive; and

WHEREAS, The cost of furnishing such special school facil-
ities to its handicapped children is in excess of the cost of
furnishing a public school education to the children who are
able to attend the regular schools; and

WHEREAS, This State recognizes its humanitarian and eco-
nomic obligation to seek out all such children and to aid
in preventing them from becoming or from continuing to be
social liabilities; and

WHEREAS, Predicated upon the aforegoing recitals it is
believed that whatever aid this State renders toward the ac-
complishment of the aforegoing results is sound statesman-

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
That Sections 236, 36, 55, 227 and 235 of Article
77 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1924 Edition, title
"Public Education, " be and the same hereby are repealed and
re-enacted to read as follows:

236. Wherever the words "Superintendent of Public Ed-
ucation" occur in this Article, they shall be construed to mean
"State Superintendent of Schools"; wherever the words "Board
of County School Commissioners" occur, they shall be con-
strued to mean "County Board of Education"; and wherever
the words "Board of District School Trustees" occur, they
shall be construed to mean "District Board of School Trus-
tees"; and wherever the words "physically handicapped child"
occur, they shall be construed to mean a child, who, by reason
of a physical defect or infirmity, whether congenital or ac-
quired by accident, injury, or disease, is or may be expected to
be totally or partially incapacitated for education or for re-
munerative occupation.

36. The State Superintendent of Schools, subject to the
rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, shall
direct the taking of a biennial school census of all the chil-
dren in the State between the ages of 6 and 18 inclusive


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 432   View pdf image (33K)
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