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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 431   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take

effect on June 1, 1929.

Approved April 11, 1929.


AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections
236, 36, 55, 227 and 235 of Article 77 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, 1924 Edition, title "Public Education, "
to define the terms "physically handicapped child, " and to
provide for the enumeration of physically handicapped chil-
dren; to add three new sections to Article 77 of the said
Code, to follow immediately after Section 235, and to be
known as Sections 235A, 235B and 235C, and to add one
new section to Article 43 of the said Code, title "Health, "
sub-title "State Board of Health, " to follow immediately
after Section 15, and to be known as Section 15A, to pro-
vide for the classification of physically handicapped chil-
dren, and to provide State aid to the counties and to Bal-
timore City in meeting the cost of maintaining special
schools and special classes for the education of such chil-

WHEREAS, Through recurring outbreaks of infantile paral-
ysis and other diseases, and by automobile and other acci-
dents a large number of children of school age are physically
handicapped and thereby made unfit to attend the regular
schools; or, if able to attend the elementary schools, are un-
able to continue such attendance beyond those grades, and
hence grow to maturity with greatly impaired usefulness; and

WHEREAS, There exists no greater menace to the welfare
of this State than an increasing number of its citizens unable
to sustain themselves or to bless posterity with a healthy prog-
eny; and

WHEREAS, Because the ultimate wealth of this State lies
in the ability of its citizens to work and to produce, it is
quite as important to husband and protect the wealth that lies
in potential labor which might otherwise be lost as it is to
protect the natural resources of the State; and


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 431   View pdf image (33K)
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