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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 430   View pdf image (33K)
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Said road and bridge tax shall be refunded and paid for the
fiscal year 1929-1930 and for each fiscal year thereafter. The
money so received by the said Mayor and Common 'Council
shall fee used by it for the repair and improvement of the
streets, avenues and roads within its corporate limits as en-
larged by this Act.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all roads, streets,
avenues or alleys lying within the territory annexed to the

said town by this Act, and heretofore dedicated or acquired
by condemnation proceedings under the provisions of any of
the laws of Maryland, or the Common Law, and in actual gen-
eral use as a road, street, avenue or alley, shall be held to be
validly constituted public highways of the town of Mount

The said Mayor and Common Council of Mount Rainier,
whenever it shall determine it to be necessary for the public
benefit, that any road, street, avenue or alley should be im-
proved, which is not, by the provisions of this Act, made a
public highway of said town, it shall take supervision and
control of the same, and such road, street, avenue or alley shall
thereupon become a public highway of the town of Mount

The said Mayor and Common Council may, after it shall
have determined it to be necessary for the public benefit, con-
struct sidewalks, curbs, gutters and roadbed and street im-
provements in any road, street, or avenue in said annexed
territory made a public highway of said town by this Act, or
by said Mayor and Common Council acting under the power
and authority granted by this Act (which improvements may
be constructed all at the same time or at different times), and,
after the completion of said improvements, or any of them,
It shall assess the cost thereof upon the land abutting the same.
The construction of said sidewalks, curbs, gutters and roadbed
and street improvements, or any of them, and the assessment of
the costs thereof, shall be made under the provisions of the
laws of Maryland, and any amendments thereof, applicable to
the Mayor and Common Council of Mount Rainier author-
izing it to make such improvements and to assess the costs
thereof against the property abutting the same, and shall be
collected in the same manner provided for the collection and
enforcement of taxes and assessments of the town of Mount


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 430   View pdf image (33K)
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