SECTION 1. Be H enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That there is hereby annexed to the territory of
the Mayor and Common Council of Mount Rainier, herein-
after called the town of Mount Rainier, all the adjacent and
contiguous territory in Prince George's County described as
Beginning1 at a point where the center line of 34th Street,
if extended, would intersect the Northern right of way of Grape
Street as now laid out; thence running along the center right
of way of 34th Street, if extended, to intersect the center line
of the Northwest branch, and then running with the center
line of said branch to the Southerly line of the Queen Chapel
Road, and then running with the said Queen Chapel Road to
its intersection with the Westerly line of 30th Street extended,
and then with said line to its intersection with the North-
western right of way of Grape Street as now laid out; thence
running Southwesterly on the Northwestern right of way of
Grape Street and with the Southeast boundary line of the land
of the late Charles Heitmuller and thence with said line
Southwesterly to the Southeast boundary line of the land of
M. O. Bull and thence with said line Southwesterly to the
Southeast boundary line of the land of J. C. Pfluger and thence
with said line Southwesterly to the District of Columbia line;
thence Southeasterly along said line of the District of Colum-
bia to intersect the present boundary of the town of Mount
Rainier, as set forth in Section 2 of Chapter 200 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1916, and amend-
ments thereto.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Board of Coun-
ty Commissioners of Prince George's County, shall pay or
cause to be paid annually to the Mayor and Common Council
of Mount Rainier three-fourths (¾) of the full amount of
the road and bridge tax levied and collected each fiscal year
from property taxed for such purposes within the limits of the
corporation of the Mayor and Common Council of Mount
Rainier as enlarged by this Act. Any portion of said three-
fourths of said road and bridge tax collected by said County
Commissioners after the fiscal year for which the same was
levied, shall be accounted for and paid over to the said Mayor
and Common Council, from time to time, in the year in
which the same shall be collected.