SEC. Y. And be it further enacted, That all the inhabitants
of the territory annexed to the town of Cottage City by this
Act shall, in all respects and to all intents and purposes, be
subject to the powers, jurisdiction and authority vested, or
to be vested by law, in the Cottage City Commission, and to
all the ordinances now in force in said town, or which may
hereafter be enacted and ordained by it, so far as the same
may be consistent with the provisions of this Act, and the
territory so annexed shall, in all respects, be taken and con-
sidered as a part of the municipal corporation of the town of
Cottage City.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of determining whether the residents of the territory herein-
above described desire the same to be annexed to the town of
Cottage City, there shall be held an election on the fourth
Tuesday in April, 1929, and Arthur P. Connelly, Lay ton
Miner and Lawrence Schuett are hereby appointed a committee
for the purpose of holding said election. In the event any of
said committee shall die, become incapacitated from acting for
any cause, or refuse to act, the said election shall be held by
the remaining member or members of said committee.
Not less than seven (7) days before said election, said com-
mittee shall cause a notice thereof to be published once in a
newspaper published in Prince George's County having a
circulation within the town of Cottage City and shall post in
at least five (5) public places within the territory proposed
by this Act to be annexed to the town of Cottage City, a no-
tice of said election. Said advertisement and posters shall
notify the residents of said territory that there will be held on
said day at a place designated therein or at some convenient
place in the town of Cottage City between the hours of five
P. M. and ten o'clock P. M. an election to determine whether
or not said residents desire the territory described in this Act
to be annexed to the town of Cottage City. The said com-
mittee shall provide a polling place, ballot boxes, booths and
ballots for said election, the costs thereof to be paid by the
town of Cottage City, which is hereby authorized to pay the
same. The said ballots shall contain the words "For Annexa-
tion to the town of Cottage City" on one line, and "Against
annexation to the town of Cottage City" on another line, with
a square opposite each. Said election shall be conducted, as
nearly as practicable, as elections for county officers in Prince
George's County. Said committee shall appoint three (3)