judges and two (2) clerks who shall conduct said election,
and any of said committee are hereby authorized to act as
judges or clerks. The said judges and clerks, before under-
taking to perform the duties of their office, shall subscribe to
the same oath as is now required for judges and clerks in
elections for county officers for Prince George's County.
For the purpose of said election, all persons over the age of
twenty-one (21) years actually residing in the territory pro-
posed to be annexed to the town of Cottage City by this Act
at the date of its enactment, shall be eligible to vote at said
election. The said judges, or any of them, before permitting
any person to vote at said election, shall administer to such
person an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth in reference to any question which might be
asked them in reference to their qualifications as a voter in
said election, and shall examine each of said persons, and if
they do not bring themselves within the terms of this section,
shall refuse them the right to vote.
Upon the closing of said polls, the said judges and clerks
shall canvass the said vote, publicly announce the result of
said canvass, certify the result to the Cottage City Commission,
and deliver the ballot boxes, with the ballots sealed therein,
to the Cottage City Commission, who shall faithfully keep the
sealed ballot boxes for a period of thirty (30) days after said
In the event of the majority of said votes being in favor of
the annexation of the territory herein described to the town
of Cottage City, said territory, upon this Act going into effect,
shall be annexed to and become a part of said town.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That this Act is an
emergency Act, and necessary to the preservation of the public
health and safety of the citizens of the territory hereby an-
nexed to the town of Cottage City and of the State, of Mary-
land, and three-fifths of the members of both Houses upon a
yea and nay vote having concurred therein, it is declared to
be an emergency Act and as such shall take effect from the
date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1929.