SEC. 4. And be it further enacted. That the new territory
hereby annexed to said town by this Act, shall constitute and
become a part of the Third Ward of the said town of Cottage
The said Cottage City Commission, as soon as practicable
after the passage of this Act, shall appoint registration officers
and provide for the registration of voters in said annexed
territory, in accordance with the law providing for the regis-
tration of voters ill the town of Cottage City. All voters so
registered shall be entitled to vote for commissioners and shall
have the same rights and privileges as voters in the town of
Cottage City.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That persons resident
and property situate within the territory which by this Act
is annexed to the town of Cottage City, shall be exempt from
taxation by the said Town Commissioners of Cottage City for
the year 1929. Beginning with the municipal levy to be made
in the year 1930, the persons so resident and the property so
situate shall be subject to the same taxes, assessments, license
fees and charges as are now imposed upon said town or may
be hereafter imposed thereon. The treasurer of said town of
Cottage City is authorized and required, in addition to the
duties heretofore imposed upon him, to collect all municipal
taxes, assessments, license fees and charges levied, assessed
and imposed by the said Cottage City Commission upon the
persons resident and property situate within said annexed
territory, which shall be levied or assessed by the said Cottage
City Commission.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That all roads, streets,
avenues or alleys lying within the territory annexed to the
said town by this Act, and heretofore dedicated or acquired by
condemnation proceedings under the provisions of any of the
laws of Maryland, or the Common Law, and in actual general
use as a road, street, avenue or alley, shall be held to be validly
constitute public highways of the town of Cottage City.
The said Cottage City Commission, whenever it shall deter-
mine it to be necessary for the public benefit, that any road,
street, avenue or alley should be improved, which is not, by
the provisions of this Act, made a public highway of said
town, it shall take supervision and control of the same, and
such road, street, avenue or alley shall thereupon become a
public highway of the town of Cottage City.