to the westerly line of the northwest branch, thence running
along the southerly line of the northwest branch in a south-
easterly direction to the Washington-Baltimore Boulevard,
thence running southerly along the line of the Washington-
Baltimore Boulevard to Bladensburg Avenue (formerly known
as Bunker Hill Road), thence along the easterly line of
Blandensburg Avenue to the point of beginning,
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That except as herein-
after otherwise provided, all the provisions of the Constitution
of Maryland, all Laws of the State of Maryland applicable
to the town of Cottage City which now are in force or may
hereafter be enacted, and all the existing ordinances of the
town of Cottage City, shall be and the same are hereby ex-
tended and made applicable to such portion of Prince George's
County as is, under the provisions of this Act, annexed to
and made a part of the said town of Cottage City. Nothing
herein, or elsewhere in this Act, shall affect the power of the
Cottage City Commission to amend or repeal any ordinance
existing at the date of the passage of this Act, or to enact
and ordain any ordinance which, at the date of the passage
of this Act, or hereafter, it may be authorized to enact and
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Board of
County Commissioners of Prince George's County, shall pay
or cause to be paid annually to the town of Cottage City or
the Cottage City Commission or the Town Treasurer of said
town three-fourths (¾) of the full amount of the road and
bridge tax levied and collected each fiscal year from property
taxed for such purposes within the limits of the corporation
of the town of Cottage City as enlarged by this Act. Any
portion of said three-fourths of said road and bridge tax
collected by said County Commissioners after the fiscal year
for which the same was levied shall be accounted for and paid
over to the said town of Cottage City or the Cottage City Com-
mission or to the Town Treasurer, from time to time, in the
year in which the same shall be collected.
Said road and bridge tax shall be refunded and paid for
the fiscal year 1929-1930 and for each fiscal year thereafter.
The money so received by the said town of Cottage City shall
be used by it for the repair and improvement of the streets,
avenues, roads and sidewalks within its corporate limits as
enlarged by this Act.