Brentwood. The special election, if held, shall be conducted in
the same manner as the general town election.
The ballots shall be prepared as ballots are prepared for
general town election and shall have printed thereon, among
other things, the words "For a Special Assessment Not to Ex-
ceed 10 Cents on Each $100. 00 of Real and Personal Prop-
erty to be Used for the Maintenance of the Brentwood Volun-
teer Fire Department" with a blank square opposite at the
right of said words; and immediately thereunder shall be the
following words: "Against a Special Assessment Not to Exceed
10 Cents on Each $100. 00 of Real and Personal Property to be
Used for the Maintenance of the Brentwood Volunteer Fire
Department, " with a blank square opposite at the right of said
And in the event that at such election, whether special or
regular town election, the majority of votes cast for and against
this Act allowing the special tax shall be in favor of allowing
said special tax, then this Act shall be in full force and effect;.
but in event that the majority of votes so cast shall be against
allowing the special tax, then the Mayor and Town Council
may submit the same question in the same manner and under
this Act to the qualified voters of said town at the next general
town election, and if a majority of the votes cast upon said
question shall be for a special assessment of not to exceed 10
cents on each $100. 00 of real and personal property on the
books of said town to be used for the maintenance of the Brent-
wood Volunteer Fire Department, then this Act shall be in
full force and effect; but if a majority of the votes so cast upon
said question shall be against a special assessment of not to
exceed 10 cents on each $100. 00 of real and personal property
to be used for the maintenance of the Brentwood Volunteer
Fire Department, then this Act shall be void and of no effect.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the imme-
diate preservation of the public health and safety, and being
passed upon a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths of all
the members elected to each of the two Houses of the General
Assembly, the same shall take effect from the date of its
Approved April 11, 1929.