AN ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Laurel to borrow not over thirteen thousand dollars
and issue its bonds therefor, for the purpose of purchasing
a fire engine and necessary equipment therefor, and to levy
taxes to pay the principal and interest of such indebtedness.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and City Council of Laurel be
and it is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow on the
credit of the town of Laurel, and issue its coupon bonds there-
for an amount not in excess of Thirteen Thousand Dollars
($13, 000. 00) for the purpose of purchasing a fire engine
and necessary equipment thereof, the said amount so borrowed
to be used for no other purpose whatever.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said bonds
shall be issued in such denominations as shall be determined
by the said Mayor and City Council, shall bear interest at a
rate to be determined by said Mayor and City Council, pay-
able semi-annually, shall be dated on the date of their issue
and shall mature not exceeding ten years from said date of
issue, or may be retired serially as said Mayor and City Coun-
cil may determine. Said bonds shall be exempt from all State,
county and municipal taxation, and shall not be sold for less
than the par value thereof. They shall be signed by the Mayor
and counter-signed by the Treasurer, and attested by the clerk
to the City Council with the corporate seal of the town of
Laurel attached.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
City Council of Laurel be and it is hereby authorized and
directed to levy each year so long as said bonds are outstand-
ing and not paid a tax sufficient to redeem the same at their
maturity, and to pay the interest thereon, the proceeds of
said tax to be kept in a special fund, and in no case to be
used for any other purpose. In case such bonds shall be
issued in any year after the making of the regular levy for
that year, then the Mayor and City Council of Laurel is au-
thorized and directed to pay any and all interest coining due
before the next levy out of any other funds in its disposal,
and to levy at the next succeeding levy to reimburse such
other funds.