AN ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and Town
Council of Brentwood, Maryland, with the approval of the
qualified voters of said town, to levy and collect annually a
special assessment of not to exceed ten cents on a hundred
dollars based on the assessed valuation of all real and per-
sonal property in the town, appearing on the books of the
town; the money so levied and collected to be used exclu-
sively for maintenance, equipment and operation of the
Brentwood Volunteer Fire Department.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and Town Council of Brentwood,
Maryland, a municipal corporation, be and it is hereby author-
ized and empowered to levy and collect annually a special
assessment of not to exceed ten cents op a hundred dollars,
according to the assessed valuation appearing on the books of
the said town, on all real and personal property situated in the
town of Brentwood, in Prince George's County, Maryland, the
money derived from said special assessment to be used exclu-
sively for the maintenance, equipment and operation of the
Brentwood Volunteer Fire Department.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Town Council of Brentwood, Maryland, are hereby authorized
and empowered to collect the special assessment provided for in
Section 1 of this Act, in the same manner as provided in the
Charter of the Town of Brentwood, for the collection of taxes
on real and personal property.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That before this Act
shall be in full force and effect the Mayor and Town Council of
Brentwood, Maryland, shall submit the question of a special
assessment to provide money for the purpose stated in Section
1 hereof, to the qualified voters of said town at either a special
election or the next general town election.
If this bill be voted on at a special election held for such
purpose, the Mayor and Town Council shall give notice of
such special election by advertisement in some newspaper pub-
lished in Prince George's County having general circulation
in the Town of Brentwood, Maryland, and further notice shall
be given by posting notices of such special election in at least
two places within the limits of each ward in said town of