WHEREAS, the Commission appointed by the Governor under
Joint Resolution No. 27 of 1929 General Assembly to investi-
gate the problem of losses sustained through personal injury
and property damage accidents caused by reckless motorists,
has reported to the Governor and the General Assembly that
it has been unable to obtain sufficient reliable information and
statistical data upon which to base definite recommendations
for legislation and has recommended that further study be
given to the subject; therefore, be it
Resolved, By the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor of the State of Maryland, be, and he is hereby au-
thorized and empowered to name a commission of not less than
nine (9) members to serve without compensation, eight (8) of
whom shall be representative, respectively, of the Commissioner
of Motor Vehicles, the Commissioner of Insurance, the motor-
ists of the counties of Maryland, the motorists of Baltimore
City, non-motor-vehicle owning public of the State of Mary-
land, the automotive industry, the business of insurance, and
the Baltimore Safety Council, and one of whom shall represent
the Governor of the State, which commission shall investigate
and study the problem of a remedy for the loss sustained
through personal injury and property damage accidents caused
by motor vehicles and which is not recoverable because of the
financial irresponsibility of the negligent motorist, to determine
whether any remedy is feasible, economically justifiable, and
consistent with accident prevention as it relates to such losses,
and with accident prevention in general, and if they so deter-
mine, to determine upon a remedy or a choice of remedies and
to report the result of their findings and their recommendation
to the Governor and the General Assembly of Maryland not
later than January 15, 1931; and be it further
Resolved, That the Governor is hereby authorized and di-
rected to give the said commission such assistance through the
several State Departments as may be useful, and to make
appropriation for the reasonable and necessary expense incurred
by said commission in its investigation, study, and report in
the State Budget; and be it further
Resolved, That the commission be known as "The Maryland
Motorists Financial Responsibility Commission. "
Approved April 2, 1929.