(i) To St. Joseph's Seminary, Baltimore City, State of
Maryland, one-sixth of the rest and residue of the estate of
said Anna M. Sevier, after the deduction of legacies amounting
to $8, 600. 00.
To the sales, grants and deeds made and executed by the
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends held on Park Avenue
and Arthur W. Machen, Jr., Trustee to the Baltimore Monthly
Meeting of Friends, Park Avenue, of two contiguous lots of
ground on the northwesterly side of Harford Avenue in Balti-
more City, beginning about 402 feet northerly from 25th
Street with a frontage on Harford Avenue of about 198 feet
and an uneven rectangular depth of about 689 feet, said deeds
bearing date of June 22, 1926, and recorded in Liber S. C. L.
No. 4598, at the respective folios of 457 and 458.
To the deed and conveyance to The Shaarei Zion Congre-
gation, a corporation of the State of Maryland, from Rachel
B. Bennett and wife, dated December 19th, 1919, and re-
corded among the land records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C.
L. No. 3502, folio 236, etc., of the fee simple property situate
in Baltimore City, State of Maryland, at the intersection of
Park Heights and First Avenues.
To the sale and conveyance by The Commissioners of Aber-
deen a municipal corporation of the State of Maryland of all
that lot or parcel of land fronting fifty (50) feet on the north-
east side of Bel Air Avenue in the Town of Aberdeen, Har-
ford County and State of Maryland, being a part of the land
which was conveyed to the said Commissioners of Aberdeen
by deed from Charles W. Baker and wife dated the 11th day
of January, 1898, and recorded among the land records of
Harford County in Liber W. S. F. No. 93, folio 65; said
sale to be made at such time as the said Commissioners of Aber-
deen may determine that said lot and the improvements there-
on are no longer necessary for municipal purposes and for
the best price that can be obtained.
To the following grants, sales, leases, deeds, devises and con-
veyances to and from certain persons partnerships or corpora-
tions to and for the support use and benefit of certain minis-
terial persons, religious corporations, orders, denominations or
sects and to certain educational and charitable institutions
hereinafter named and herein set forth:
(1) To the deed dated April 18th, 1922, and recorded among
the land records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L. No. 3848,