Records of Talbot County, and thirteen and one-half feet dis-
tant from the end of said line, and thence running parallel with
the track of The Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railway
and forty-five feet distant from the center line of said track (1)
South twenty-four degrees twenty-nine minutes East three-hun-
dred and seventy-one feet, one feet to a concrete boundary at
the end of the third line of a Deed from James H. Caulk and
others, to E. Ney Dodson, dated July 19, 1900, and recorded in
Liber F. G. W. No. 133, page 355, one of the Land Records
of Talbot County, and thence running with the said third line
reversed, (2) South seventy-four degrees twenty-five minutes
West one hundred and eighty feet, to a concrete boundary, then
with the second line of said Deed, also with the second line of
a Deed from James H. Caulk and others to William D. J.
Morris, dated June 6, 1900, and recorded in Liber F. G. W.
No. 133, page 293, one of the Land Records of Talbot County,
also to George B. Sinclair, dated June 6, 1900, and recorded in
Liber F. J. W. No. 133, page 293, one of the Land Records of
Talbot County, the courses of all the three aforegoing Deeds,
reversed, (3) South twenty-four degrees twenty-nine minutes
East one hundred and eighty feet, to the north edge of a right
of way running from the Railroad right of way to Broad Cove,
thence with the north edge of said right of way, (4) South
seventy-four degrees twenty-five minutes West to the waters
of Broad Cove, then in a north westerly direction and binding
with the waters of Broad Cove, to intersect the fourth line of
the aforesaid Deed, from Philip T. Allen and others to The
State of Maryland, then with the said line to the end thereof,
then with the first line of the aforesaid Deed, (5) South ninety-
seven degrees thirty-nine minutes East five hundred, forty-one
and a half feet, to the beginning, be the quantity of land, what-
soever it may; being the same tract or parcel of land conveyed
to the State of Maryland by the Claiborne Wharf and Ware-
house Company by deed dated July 23rd, 1919, and recorded
among the Land Records of Talbot County in Liber C. B. L.
No. 185, folio 190, etc.
SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That the Board of
Public Works of Maryland be and is hereby authorized, in the
event of any sale or lease or ratification of an existing lease, to
make such deeds, leases, conveyances and other documents as
are necessary to properly exercise and execute the powers here-
in conferred.
SECTION 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1929.
Approved April 11, 1929.