twenty feet southernly from the southeast side of the pier on the
property now being described North seventy-four degrees fifty
minutes East three hundred and twenty-nine feet, more or less,
to a point South fifteen degrees ten minutes East sixty and
four-tenth feet from the railroad rail on end at the end of the
first line of the land described herein, thence still North seventy-
four degrees, fifty minutes east forty-nine and three-tenths feet;
thence parallel to the south edge of the ditch South of the road
on the land now being described and five feet southerly there-
from, South eighty-seven degrees thirty-nine minutes East five
hundred and fifty-five and four-tenths feet to the southwest line
of the right of way of the Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic Kail-
way; thence binding on the southwest line of the said right of
way and thirty-three feet southwesterly from the centre line
of said Railway North twenty-four degrees twenty-nine minutes
West thirty-one and two-tenths feet; thence still binding on said
right of way northwesterly by a line curving toward the west
with a radius of five hundred and forty and sixty-nine one hun-
dredths feet the distance of forty-six and eight-tenths feet to
intersect a line drawn North eighty-nine degrees fifty-seven
minutes East from the beginning; and thence reversing said line
so drawn and binding thereon South eighty-nine degrees fifty-
seven minutes West one hundred and forty-two and six-tenths
feet to the beginning, being the same tract or parcel of land
conveyed to the State of Maryland by Phillip T. Allen and John
O. Tunis, et al., by deed dated February 19th, 1919, and rec-
orded among the Land Records of Talbot County in Liber C.
B. L. No. 180, folio 324, etc., together with all improvements
thereon, including the wharf on the waterfront of said property
bordering on Claiborne Harbor.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That the Board of Pub-
lic Works of Maryland be and is hereby authorized and em-
powered to ratify and confirm any existing lease for the prop-
erty described in Section 1 of this Act heretofore made by the
State Roads Commission of Maryland with the original lessees,
their successors or assigns.
SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That the Board of
Public Works of Maryland be and is hereby authorized and em-
powered to sell or lease to The Claiborne-Annapolis Ferry Com-
pany, a Maryland corporation, a certain tract or parcel of land
adjacent to the hereinbefore described Ferry Property, which
tract or parcel of land is described as follows:
BEGINNING for the outline of the same, at a concrete bound-
ary, set in the fifth line of a Deed from Philip T. Allen and
others, to The State of Maryland, dated February 19, 1919, and
recorded in Liber C. B. L. No. 180, page 324, one of the Land