upon the faithful discharge of his duties and the protection
of said County Commissioners against loss or damage by rea-
son of any act, default, neglect, false or fraudulent state-
ment of his whatsoever in the penal sum of $10, 000. He
shall have no pecuniary interest in the affairs of any per-
son, company or corporation from whom or which he makes
any purchase or with whom or which the County Commis-
sioners make any contract, in respect to county roads and
bridges, or in any contract in relation to the same. The
County Roads Engineer shall receive a salary, the amount
thereof to be fixed by the County Commissioners, and travel-
ing- expenses to be determined by said County Commissioners.
SEC, 2. And be it further enacted, That the question
whether there shall be a County Roads Engineer for Harford
County and whether this Act shall become effective, shall
be submitted to the registered and qualified voters of Har-
ford County, Maryland, at the regular election to be held
in November, 1930, and the said Supervisor's of Elections
for Harford County, Maryland, are hereby directed to have
ballots printed to be used in said election, in clear, plain,
bold Roman capital twelve-point type, submitting the question:
"Shall there be a County Roads Engineer for Harford County,
as provided by Chapter of the Acts, of 1929 and shall
said Act become effective?"
After which shall be printed, on separate lines, with a
square or box to the right, and opposite, the words "For
County Roads Engineer" and a corresponding square or box
to the right, and opposite, the words "Against County Roads
Engineer. " Same to be printed on said ballot so as to give
voter a clear opportunity to designate by a cross (X) in a
square or box opposite the words "For County Roads Engi-
neer, " "Against County Roads Engineer, " his answer to such
The Supervisors of Elections for Harford County shall give
notice, at least fifteen days before the date of said election,
by advertisements in two newspapers published in Harford
County, of the submission of said question, provided, that
if for any reason said notice shall not be given, or not given
in the manner prescribed, it shall not invalidate this Act or
prevent its taking effect. The laws in force for the con-
ducting of elections at time of said election, and the pro-
visions of the Corrupt Practices Act shall apply in all par-