and the amount and cost of labor on each road and the amount
of money expended for road purposes in each district. Said
report shall contain a concise statement of the amount of money
expended in each district and for what items, which concise
statement shall be immediately published by the County Com-
missioners for two successive weeks in one or more newspapers
published in Harford County. On or before the first day of
December in each year said County Roads Engineer shall
submit a written report, supplemented with plats as he may
see fit, to the County Commissioners of Harford County,
which report shall embrace a comprehensive plan of road and
bridge work, repair and construction in Harford County for
the ensuing fiscal road year, showing as closely as may be
the several district funds, and the general road and bridge
fund and other available funds and how they are to be ex-
pended and on what roads and bridges, naming them, and the
character in detail of the repairs and new construction, and
the estimated cost of each item, and what proportion of the
road money is for new construction, and what proportion is
for maintenance and repairs, and what proportion of each
fund is set apart and reserved for salaries, incidentals and
contingencies, in detail. Notice of the filing of said report
embracing said comprehensive plan of road work for the ensu-
ing fiscal road year shall be published by the County Commis-
sioners in such newspaper or newspapers as they may see fit,
the first publication within one week of the filing of said
report and containing a notice that said County Commissioners
will hold not less than three meetings, naming the time and
place thereof, during said month of December for the purpose
of receiving and hearing recommendations, suggestions or ob-
jections of any taxpayer of Harford County in regard to any
matter or thing contained in said plan. Said County Commis-
sioners at the conclusion of the last of said meetings and on
or before the first day of January thereafter, shall have power
to change, alter or modify said comprehensive plan of said
Roads. Engineer, but said comprehensive plan as submitted
or as changed, altered or modified by said County Commis-
sioners on. or before the said first day of January, shall be
binding on said County Commissioners during the ensuing
fiscal road year and it shall be the duty of said Roads Engi-
neer to see that said plan is carried out in every particular.
45IF. The County Roads Engineer shall give bond to
the County Commissioners of Harford County conditioned