for any muskrat or dig into or in any manner molest or de-
stroy any part of a muskrat house or den. And it shall
further be unlawful to have in possession any muskrat hide
or skins that have been shot at or into or killed in sway man-
ner except by trapping; and any muskrat hide perforated
with small holes, having the appearance of shot or bullet
holes, shall be prima facie evidence that it was a? muskrat
so shot or killed. It shall be unlawful for any person at
any time to use or have in possession for use a light for
the purpose of hunting muskrats at night time, and any such
light so found in possession shall be prima facie evidence that
such light was for the purpose of a violation of this sub-title.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt any Rac-
coon or Opossum within the State of Maryland, between the
first day of February and the first day of November follow-
ing, in each and every year, both dates inclusive. It shall be
unlawful for any person to hunt any Raccoon or Opossum,
between sunrise and sunset. It shall be unlawful to cut a
tree at any time for the purpose of catching, killing or dis-
lodging a Racoon or Opossum, unless by consent of owner of
said tree or trees, and no person shall set, place, keep or main-
tain any steel traps or other similar device for the purpose of
catching Raccoon or Opossum.
(c) Any person found guilty before any Justice of the
Peace of this State for violating any provisions of this sub-
title, shall be fined not less than Twenty-five ($25. 00) Dollars
nor more than One Hundred ($100. 00) Dollars for each and
every offense, and in addition to said fine so imposed shall be
fined Five Dollars ($5. 00) for each and every such skin had
in possession in violation of this sub-title. All such skins,
pelts or meats or illegal devices found in possession in viola-
tion of this sub-title shall be confiscated by the officers making
the arrest and turned over to the Game Warden who may dis-
pose of same as he may deem advisable to the best interest
of this State.
Any person who shall fail to pay the fine so imposed, shall
stand committed to jail until the fine and costs shall have
been paid; however, said sentence shall not exceed one day
for each dollar so imposed. Any person other than the State
Game Warden, Deputy Game Warden, or officer receiving
compensation from the Conservation Department of Mary-
land who shall procure the conviction of any person violating
any of the provisions of this Act shall receive one-half of the